Application refused by Shropshire Council
The application (reference 15/00532/FUL) for one 77m wind turbine at Meadowley Upton Cressett has been REFUSED by Shropshire Council using delegated powers. We had expected the application to be considered by South Shropshire Planning Committee on 14 July 2015. (Note: This was a modified application for one turbine east of the Jack Mytton Way not two turbines as set out in the application of 2013. Whilst the deletion of one turbine is welcomed unfortunately the turbine proposed was on the T1 site which is the most prominent and the height at 77m to tip is similar to the previous height so the damage to the landscape and impact on homes and heritage remains high).
The planning officer’s report concludes that:
“ The scale and location of the proposed 77m high wind turbine would have an unacceptably adverse effect on the setting of the nationally significant group of heritage assets at Upton Cressett Hall, on the character and scenic quality of the local landscape and on local amenities and leisure and tourism interests, including equestrian use of the Jack Mytton Way. This would be contrary to the objectives of Core Strategy Core Strategy Policies CS5, CS6, CS8, CS16, CS17 and paragraphs 14, 17(point 7), 28, 126, 131, 132, and 134 of the National Planning Policy Framework”
This is great news. We now await an announcement from CRIDA and Sharenergy. Should they decide to appeal against the Council decision, which they are entitled to do, we will of course respond robustly.
Many thanks to everyone for submitting objections and articulating their concerns so that the councillors and planning officers were clear that the community does not want this turbine.