Safety Concerns

Developers and planning inspectors will be aware of significant accidents that have been caused by wind turbines. Over the last ten years there have been nearly 1000 recorded accidents worldwide of which 5 have been to members of the public in the UK. Whilst turbines may be fairly safe, this is a matter of obvious concern.

If a turbine's brake fails, the turbine can spin freely until it disintegrates or catches fire. Often turbine fires cannot be extinguished because of the height, and are left to burn themselves out. In the process, they generate toxic fumes and can scatter flaming debris over a wide area. Similarly ice forming on the blades when the turbine is stopped can be thrown off later as it turns.

To find out more about accidents and wind turbines click here to visit a website which details all documented cases of wind turbine related accidents which could be found and confirmed through press reports or official information releases.