Overbearing Development

The potential threat of permanent intrusion into this unspoilt area of rural landscape is unacceptable. The intimate, small scale nature of the landscape with its narrow winding lanes, ancient hedge rows and woodlands is totally unsuitable to absorb vast industrial structures. Several Planning Inspectors when considering wind farm appeals have taken the view that when several residences are significantly affected it becomes a matter of public concern. Residents of Meadowley, Underton and Chetton would have intrusive views of the turbines from their homes and gardens.


Height and Scale

These turbines are wholly inappropriate so close to homes and a country town such as Bridgnorth. The blade tips will reach 80m – this is the height of a 25 storey office block like the Rotunda in the centre of Birmingham. CRIDA data (ZTV chart) shows that the turbines could be visible from as far away as Telford, Shifnal and Much Wenlock not to mention most of Bridgnorth and the hills and villages towards Shrewsbury and Ludlow.

To illustrate the impact generally of turbines, we recommend the following article from the Daily Mail, which includes many photographs: The view? Gone with the wind: Our famous scenery and landmarks blighted forever by turbines.