
Shropshire Star - Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Outcry over plan for two 240ft turbines near Bridgnorth

Shropshire Star, 10 August 2011

Nearly 100 people turned out at a meeting last night to protest against plans to put up towering wind turbines near Bridgnorth.

Campaigners gathered at the town’s Down Inn pub to vent their feelings against the proposals, which would see two 240ft turbines go up close to the historic Jack Mytton bridleway in Meadowley. William Cash, the son of MP Bill Cash who lives at Upton Cressett, is leading the opposition to the plans.

He told the meeting the turbines would ruin the hills which inspired poet AE Housman.

He said: “These two turbines will be put either side of the Jack Mytton Way, a famous bridle path which is a major tourist route and popular with riders. To think even think about putting those turbines in that spot shows the arrogance of the planners.

“They would ruin such a beautiful area and startle the horses using the path. What if a rider was killed, what would happen then?

“I believe that people have a sacred right to the countryside and the right to enjoy it. These plans could ruin a real jewel in the crown of Shropshire.”

Mr Cash, who is chairman of the Stop Bridgnorth Wind Farm Action Group, claimed if the plans were approved they could pave the way for more turbines in the area.

Another member of the action group, Roy Howell, said he thought the turbines would ruin tourism in Bridgnorth itself.

He said: “This is an emotional issue for many people but we must try and look objectively at the proposals.

“We are not against renewable energy, but the proposed location. People come to Bridgnorth for the peace and tranquility.

“The terrible threat of the turbines will destroy that and local business. Plans have not been formally submitted, we have to head them off at the pass.”

The proposals by Sustainable Bridgnorth and Ludlow-based organisation Sharenergy, will not be formally submitted until the end of the year. Bob Ensum, chairman of Sustainable Bridgnorth, said the turbines would be positioned away from Jack Mytton Way. For more information visit


BBC Radio Shropshire - Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Click on the link below to hear William cash's interview on Radio Shropshire following the first public meeting of the action group.

BBC Radio Shropshire interview (opens in a new window) 


Shropshire Star - Tuesday, 9 August, 2011

Click on the image below to read the article in a new window.

BBC Radio Shropshire - Friday, August 5, 2011

Click on the link below to hear William Cash's interview on Radio Shropshire regarding the proposed Bridgnorth wind farm.

BBC Radio Shrophire Interview (opens in a new window)


Shropshire Star - Thursday, August 4, 2011

 Click on the image below to read the article in a new window.


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